Back-to-school season is officially here. Teens and young adults are searching for the perfect outfits for high school and college, but not every family can afford a brand-new wardrobe. This year, especially, expendable income is limited. Because of current economic trends and consumer preferences, resale is expected to see high demand this back-to-school season.
Without upscale resale options like Uptown Cheapskate, back-to-school shoppers are left in a tough predicament. They could blow their budgets on new clothes, or stay stuck with out-of-style garments. Uptown Cheapskate provides a new, better option: Shop gently used, stylish outfits for a fraction of the traditional retail price.
Back-to-school shopping is a source of financial pressure
Back-to-school season is a major source of stress for families. Every year, they need to dedicate a portion of their income to spend on school supplies as well as new clothing, shoes and accessories for their growing young adults.
In 2021, parents expected to spend $253.46, on average, on just their children’s back-to-school clothing and accessories. This year, spending is projected to be even higher. The 2022 Deloitte Back-to-School Survey indicates that parents expect to spend approximately $661 per student in grades K-12. Clothing and school supplies are expected to be parents’ focus. College spending is also expected to be higher this year than in 2021.
The back-to-school stress is taking its toll on families as prices continue to rise for all kinds of necessities. According to thredUP’s 2022 Resale Report, apparel is the fifth-highest category where consumers are noticing higher prices. Across-the-board inflation has squeezed budgets tighter, meaning families have even less money to spend on clothing as they did in years past. According to the Deloitte survey, over half (57 percent) of surveyed K-12 parents are concerned about the increase in back-to-school product pricing. If families have multiple children heading back to school, the total costs could be overwhelming.
Fortunately, buyers have found an alternative to help them cut costs on back-to-school buying: secondhand clothing. Resale has been on the rise for years, and more shoppers are trying resale for the first time every day. Per thredUP’s study, 58 percent of consumers say secondhand has helped them in some way during a time of inflation. Their top reason was because resale helps them stretch their clothing budgets.
Uptown Cheapskate stores are ready to meet the high demands of discerning younger shoppers this season – and any season! By offering quality garments for a fraction of traditional retail costs, secondhand clothing stores are making back-to-school shopping easier on families’ wallets while helping business owners find financial success.
Teens want school clothes that are on-trend
Resale clothing franchises like Uptown Cheapskate offer another benefit besides reduced costs. Our apparel offerings cater to teens who want new clothes to feel trendy and on-par with their friends.
For many years, thrift shopping was a preferred hobby for teens and young adults who loved alternative or vintage clothing styles. Buyers who wanted the current season’s trends weren’t always able to find what they needed in resale shops. But this is changing as secondhand clothing stores become more mainstream.
Now, resale stores like Uptown Cheapskate have racks and shelves full of clothing that is currently in style. We also curate our clothing collections using rigorous quality checks. We only buy garments that are stylish by today’s standards as well as those that are high-quality, like-new condition. Our shoppers leave Uptown Cheapskate with bags of contemporary items, allowing them to feel trendy at school.
Uptown Cheapskate transforms back-to-school shopping
For many teens, back-to-school shopping isn’t simply a necessity—it’s an experience! With their newfound independence, high schoolers love going shopping with friends as a fun outing. They can still do this with secondhand clothing stores like Uptown Cheapskate. By catering to trends and creating an upscale store aesthetic, we mimic the kinds of stores these young shoppers would visit at the mall.
Not to mention, secondhand stores are not just a place for buyers to find great deals. Shoppers are also incentivized to stop in and sell last year’s clothes that no longer fit them. By trading in stylish garments, Uptown Cheapskate’s customers can earn cash or store credit for a little extra something during their back-to-school shopping.
Between the lower prices, stylish items and top-quality experience, Uptown Cheapskate is helping to revolutionize back-to-school shopping. As resale continues to become more popular, our store owners are able to make the season easier on families while growing a thriving small business.
Are you ready to help make shopping less stressful on families and young adults? Opening an Uptown Cheapskate in your local community allows you to make a difference and build your financial future. Request more information about our secondhand clothing franchise opportunity today!